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Reference documents
Click the PDF icon below to download any of the informational documents. All documents are intended for personal informational use only & can not be reproduced or used for any other purpose.
Earthquake preparedness information - useful information to help understand the dangers & safety tips to help you make smarter decisions in the event of an earthquake.
Family Fire Safety Plan - Are you & your family ready in the event a fire threatens you or your home? Take a minute to review some things you should consider when making a safety plan.
Wildfire Home Assessment Information - Prevention information to help identify & reduce the risks of wildfire threats
Informative Websites
Santa Ana Wildfire Threat Index - Check on the current wildfire threat ratings for Orange-Inland Empire, LA-Venture, San Diego & Santa Barbara areas along with recommended actions and additional resourses http://psgeodata.fs.fed.us/sawti/
California Wildland Fire Coordinating Group (CWCG) - Visit http://www.preventwildfireca.org/ to learn more about wildfire prepardness, campfire safety, current news and more.
La County Alerts - Sign up to receive emergency alerts via email, text & phone at http://www.lacounty.gov/wps/portal/alertla
OC County Alerts - Sign up to receive emergency alerts via email at http://bos.ocgov.com/alertoc/alertoc.asp
* To receive alerts via text or phone you will need download the MyConnect app & set up the city locations you'd like to be alerted about.
Safety Videos
A collection of videos to educate & assist you to keep you, your family and home safe and secure.
Earthquake Preparedness
This film takes you on a visceral journey through the USGS
Home Safety
A lot goes into making a house into a home. You want to make it comfortable of course, but above all, safe. Especially if you have children or pets.
Here are a few home safety tips you can use to help protect your home, and everyone in it!
Home Fire Sprinklers
Properly installed and maintained automatic fire sprinkler systems help save lives. Many people don't realize that this life-saving technology is available for homes, where roughly 85% of all civilian fire deaths occur.
Emergency Preparedness Kit
American Red Cross is urging all families to collect a supply of items to be used in the event of a disaster or an emergency evacuation.
Halloween Safety
Planning ahead can help make this Halloween a fire-safe one. Taking simple fire safety precautions, like making sure fabrics for costumes and decorative materials are flame-resistant, can prevent fires.
Stop, Drop, Roll, Cool & Call
Fire safety prevention program produced by eMediaWorks, and sponsored by the Burn Prevention Network designed to teach children safety in the event clothing catches fire.